Deep questions with Erin Hicks Moon: Compass 149

Join in a conversation with Erin Hicks Moon, a dynamic podcaster and author of the upcoming book "I've Got Questions." Together, they investigate the powerful role of curiosity in deepening one's faith and navigating skepticism.

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Explore themes like the value of humor when tackling serious faith topics, the importance of diverse theological voices, and Erin's journey through evangelical culture. Whether you're grappling with spiritual questions or seeking new perspectives, this episode is tailored for spiritual seekers and those curious about faith.

Erin Moon is one of the producers and hosts of the Faith Adjacent podcast and serves as the resident Bible scholar, bringing thoughtful insights and a touch of levity to theological discussions. Her upcoming book, "I've Got Questions," promises to further explore how asking questions can enrich our spiritual lives. Erin's journey provides a safe space for anyone looking to explore complex questions about their beliefs.

Important topics discussed:
- The profound impact of asking questions within one's faith journey
- Navigating faith and skepticism
- Exploring diverse voices in theology
- Finding community in the midst of spiritual questions

Episode Notes:

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In this episode:
(00:00) "Compass Podcast: Faith Exploration"
(04:13) Questioning Beliefs Without Fear
(08:22) Enduring Faith and Personal Doubts
(12:04) Expanding Biblical Perspectives
(15:31) Faith Contextualized by Culture
(19:45) Embracing Uncertainty in Scripture
(21:58) "Debating Revelation's True Purpose"
(25:47) Questioning Faith and Personal Belief
(28:31) Exploring Spirituality: Podcast Guide

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This episode posted on January 22, 2025

Episode Transcript:

Ryan Dunn [00:00:00]:
Hi there. This is The Compass Podcast, Finding Spirituality in the Everyday. I'm host Ryan Dunn. And for this episode, I got to have a conversation with Aaron Hicks Moon, a dynamic podcaster who is one of the producers and hosts for the Faith Adjacent podcast. And Aaron is author of the upcoming book, I've Got Questions. Kinda relevant because I bet you got some questions too. Together, Aaron and I explored the profound impact of asking questions within one's faith journey and how curiosity can deepen our personal understanding of beliefs. Erin shared her experiences growing up in evangelical culture, the challenges of navigating faith and skepticism, and how her work on the Faith Adjacent podcast has provided a safe space for theological exploration.

Ryan Dunn [00:00:53]:
We have lots of conversations around faith exploration and curiosity and investing in personal faith practices on the Compass podcast. So if this kind of content is meaningful for you, then go ahead and hit the subscribe button on your podcast listening platform. If you've already done that, then take the next step and help someone else discover Compass by leaving a rating and or review of the podcast on your podcast app. That really helps new people discover our conversations here on Compass. Some things for you to discover in this episode include the value of humor in discussing serious faith topics, the value of exploring diverse voices in theology, and ways to find communities that don't always just run away from spiritual questions. I had fun in this conversation. I think you'll have fun in this conversation. So let's get to it.

Ryan Dunn [00:01:48]:
Here's Erin Hicks Moon on Compass. Well, Erin, so glad to hear that, you've thawed out from our winter weather here in, kind of the mid south and lower south. How goes it with your soul today?

Erin Moon [00:02:04]:
I'm pretty great. How about you? Thank you so much for having me. This is so great.

Ryan Dunn [00:02:08]:
You bet. I'm I'm doing just fine. Thank you for asking. A little underprepared for that. I'm like, wait a minute.

Erin Moon [00:02:15]:
Hang on just a second.

Ryan Dunn [00:02:16]:
Be asking the questions here. Oh, well, speaking of questions, book coming out. I've got questions is the title. Can you share a little bit about how asking questions has impacted or shaped your faith journey, which as I read through the book, like, I mentioned that word journey, we're supposed to have a drink now. Yeah. Have a drink. I just have coffee, but,

Erin Moon [00:02:40]:
That's fine. That'll work.

Ryan Dunn [00:02:41]:
Yeah. So how has that shaped your, your faith journey? Has it led to kind of a more personal understanding of beliefs or deepened your faith in any way?

Erin Moon [00:02:51]:
Yeah. I think so. I think, you know, when you're young, I grew up in, you know, evangelical culture, Southern Baptist, and I had a great experience, well, a much better experience that I know a lot of other people had. And so but there was still this, like, just have faith. Like, you don't you don't need to worry about questions, but I really do believe that questions are where we build relationships. That's how we get to know one another. That's how, you know, I learn what my kids love. That's how I you know, when I was dating my husband, that's how I knew I was in love with him because of how he answered questions.

Erin Moon [00:03:25]:
And I think it's it there is a tendency, I think, to kind of stifle curiosity because it feels dangerous. It feels, it feels scary. It feels outside the norm, and, you know, we do not like that. We especially don't like that in religious institutions. We like everyone to just stay in line and you'll be fine. But those you know, yes. I think it did lead to me and and this is really an owning your faith process. It's working out your faith with fear and trembling.

Erin Moon [00:03:54]:
It's not letting someone else decide what you believe, essentially. And I think that is the benefit of asking questions around your faith.

Ryan Dunn [00:04:03]:
Was there any point during your process of of questioning and curiosity in which you felt like, oh, we're kind of on a dangerous end here. I need to pump the brakes on this.

Erin Moon [00:04:13]:
No. Not dangerous because I really tried to give myself permission to say just because I'm reading this or just because I'm thinking this or wondering about this does not mean that I automatically subscribe to it. And I think there were a lot of things that I've since moved on about that they felt dangerous as well at one point. And I also wanna consider who's who's throwing up the warning flare there. Like, what what do they have to lose? What do they have to gain if I think this, if I ask this question? Not not trying to be cynical and suspicious of everyone, but also knowing that some people don't want you to ask questions because it means that their power in your life isn't as strong or that they think that you're and and some of that comes from a really kind and loving place. They don't want you to have incorrect beliefs, quote, unquote. They don't want you to backslide or be considered a heretic or anything like that. And so for me, I I don't know that there was a moment that I thought, no.

Erin Moon [00:05:13]:
What are we doing here? But I just really tried to allow myself to sit in a posture of curiosity and not not necessarily cling to whatever I was asking.

Ryan Dunn [00:05:24]:
It sometimes we're a little reticent to ask the questions because, as you noted, it might separate us from the community that we've been a part of. During your process of curiosity and curiosity and skepticism, was there kind of a safe harbor community?

Erin Moon [00:05:40]:
Well, yes. I think what was helpful is that I'm also a podcaster. As we are I don't think this is a process that ever really ends. I think this is, again, the process of working out your faith. So I was part of my job is I'm the resident Bible scholar on the Faith Adjacent podcast. And so what I would do back in the day when we were first starting out is my cohost, Knox and Jamie, they would take a Bible story and they would recap it like a book or a movie or a TV show and just slightly heretical, just teensy bit. And then I would come in at the end and I would, as the resident Bible scholar, offer a gentle rebuke, which was, like, hey. Maybe we don't wanna we don't wanna say this or this is actually another way that you can interpret that scripture, something like that.

Erin Moon [00:06:26]:
There was built in, for part of my process, this community of people who were listening, who were asking the same questions, who were in the same curiosities. And so we kind of developed this back and forth relationship of, like, okay. We have a question about this. Let's explore it together. And that was so valuable for me. But I think even in the beginning, when I first started kind of asking those questions, there is an isolation aspect to that because you are outside the camp now. You don't necessarily subscribe or or you're asking questions about that, and that's putting you outside the camp. So I think it can be a very isolating and lonely process, and I think that's why a lot of people don't wanna do it.

Ryan Dunn [00:07:10]:
Yeah. Did you encounter that yourself in feeling a sense of separation from a community that you were previously a part of?

Erin Moon [00:07:18]:
Yes. Absolutely. I, 100% did. That it's still very difficult. It's still enormously painful, and and that's not necessarily because anybody did anything wrong or, it was just, did anything wrong or, it was just this is not a place where I can be the person that I am. And by nature, I'm a very curious person, and I wanna ask questions and I wanna I wanna challenge things when I don't when I don't see the purpose of them. And so it was that was just not an environment that was conducive to that. And so, yeah, I think I think that happens to everyone even if you still have a community that's supportive.

Erin Moon [00:08:00]:
It's just it's a very isolating thing.

Ryan Dunn [00:08:02]:
I wanna know that you still identify, or land in the space of faith.

Ryan Dunn [00:08:07]:

Ryan Dunn [00:08:08]:
Right? Yeah. We we talk about kind of these deconstructing questions and how they challenge our beliefs a little bit, but you still have entered into this process. I think it's an ongoing process and still are are a person of faith.

Erin Moon [00:08:22]:
Yes. I yeah. And that has always been the case for me. I mean, since I was 8 years old, I feel like I have had had that connection with God. Even even in the times when I was like, does is God there? Is God exist? And are we is this just all just, like, a big opium for masses, or is this real? Even in that, still continuing to have conversations with God, still continuing to look for God, to try to understand the gospels, to try to understand scripture, I think I'm I there was that was not an that was not ever anything that I ever left, essentially. I may have gone outside the bounds of whatever other people thought was traditional or, you know, orthodoxy, quote, unquote, but and and listen. I don't I don't blame anyone who leaves organized religion or religion or faith, specifically American Christianity, especially because I have seen firsthand the harm that it has done to people, and there are people who, if they did not leave, they would not survive. And so that's want to reclaim faith as a place that would not hurt them, that would love them, that would you know, I I don't I don't blame anyone for taking that that path.

Erin Moon [00:09:35]:
It's a it's a real thing.

Ryan Dunn [00:09:37]:
You mentioned being 8 years old and kinda questioning about the existence of God. Was that the bugaboo question that kinda started this quest for this quest of curiosity, or was there some other question that really started the avalanche?

Erin Moon [00:09:52]:
You know, it was a lot of things. It was I had an experience with my university minister who essentially told me that which this is hilarious now, but essentially told me that if I wanted to join the bible study that he was doing around Wayne Grudem's systematic theology, that that was for the boys. And yeah. And so if I wanted to find a woman to walk me through that, I could do that, and we did. Let me just tell you. Now I would you know, I that's not a bible study I would wanna be a part of necessarily, but I think it was it was learning about how we got scripture. It was learning about the cultural context surrounding different places in the bible. It was it was reading other theologians and kind of getting out of that white Dutch male.

Erin Moon [00:10:36]:
Not that there's necessarily necessarily anything wrong with that. It's just it's not the only perspective. And so I think it was more of a gradual thing, but, yeah, I mean, that that's just kind of my personality a little bit. So I'm always, like, what's under there? What are we doing under there? Yeah. I'm like, what's under there?

Ryan Dunn [00:10:51]:
What are

Erin Moon [00:10:51]:
we doing under there?

Ryan Dunn [00:10:53]:
Yeah. It's funny how podcasters kinda have that streak running

Ryan Dunn [00:10:57]:
through them.

Erin Moon [00:10:58]:
We do.

Ryan Dunn [00:10:59]:
Yeah. I wanna talk about the podcast journey a little bit. Drink in Faith Adjacent, as you mentioned, is the podcast. Where did that

Erin Moon [00:11:08]:
start? So I wrote bible studies for a really long time. They I wrote for a couple of different small publishers, some large publishers. It's somewhat, but we had to do it in a in the bounds of a certain vein of beliefs. Right? We didn't quote anyone outside of the agreed upon fully vetted thinkers. We weren't interested really in different ways of interpreting scripture, which is fine, but it just meant that I played in a very small sandbox, and, frankly, it was a very white male sandbox. And I remember I remember the first time I read, Rachel Held Evans, and there was this she had a beautiful quote that I had, like, written down and put on my laptop or whatever, and it it happened to fit in this Bible study that we were writing, and I wanted to quote her, but I knew I wasn't gonna be allowed to. I instead of quoting Rachel Held Evans, I quoted r h Evans and almost got it snuck in

Ryan Dunn [00:12:02]:
there. Subversive.

Erin Moon [00:12:04]:
Nice. But so when Knox and Jamie started, it was previously called the Bible Binge because we were really just doing those classic bible stories and talking about them in in the way that we did. When I came on as the resident bible scholar, suddenly, like, I got to decide who I read and who I learned from, and there was just so much out there that I had no clue. You know, womanist theologians and queer theologians, theologians of color and theologians who were not American or British or Dutch. They they had a completely different cultural context than I did, and that was really exciting and really interesting to play in that bigger sandbox where people didn't use the same, like, sandcastle molds that I'd seen my whole life. And so that was such a powerful experience to me, and it continues to be because part of my job is I get to just read different people's perspectives on different scriptures or different ideologies and it's fascinating to go, oh my gosh, like, I I would have never seen it this way because I'm not black or I'm not queer or, you know, there are just so many different ways to look at a scripture, to bring who you are to that, because that is a part of how we interpret scripture. And we call I think I think, I think it was doctor Wilda Gaffney that said this, but she was like, every other theology other than white male theology has a qualifier for it, and we just call that theology. But that's not true.

Erin Moon [00:13:36]:
And I had never that kind

Ryan Dunn [00:13:37]:
of, like, clarified a lot for me. I was like, oh my gosh. You're so right.

Erin Moon [00:13:37]:
Like, that's like, clarified a lot for me. I was like, oh my gosh. You're so right. Like, that's the default setting, and everything else is kinda considered fringe. But that's not that's not really how it is.

Ryan Dunn [00:13:48]:
Yeah. You've mentioned Rachel Held Evans and Willa Gaffney. Hope this doesn't put you on the spot too much, but are are there some other theologians that have been a part of of your process that we can platform here?

Erin Moon [00:13:59]:
Oh my gosh. Yes. I think Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited, is so powerful. It was just it was so deeply transformative for me. You know, I grew up on, you know, in college, grew up on the Brennan Mannings, the Henri Nowans, the Wendell Berrys even poetically, and I think, you know, those really shaped me as well. But, I mean, gosh. I'm looking at my bookshelf right now because there are just so many I mean, I I love n t Wright. I love and there are people that would be considered that, you know, white male perspective that I I don't I don't necessarily think that that's bad.

Erin Moon [00:14:39]:
I just I wanna know more. I want to hear more from different people and how they're seeing what their perspectives are.

Ryan Dunn [00:14:46]:
Well, your work often navigates this kinda intersection between faith and culture. One of the things that I really got a kick out of doing was looking through the faith adjacent website, and you bring up actors to be as physical bible characters.

Erin Moon [00:14:58]:
Cast the bible characters. We don't cast Jesus, and we don't cast God. That was one of the one of the pieces of feedback that we got when we originally sent out the the first episode was like, I love this. Don't ever cast God, and don't ever cast Jesus. And so we were like, cheers. Okay. We won't do that.

Ryan Dunn [00:15:15]:
I love it too. It's fun. I I don't always agree, but that's part of the fun of it as well.

Erin Moon [00:15:20]:

Ryan Dunn [00:15:21]:
how do you think that engaging with culture in that way helps to make faith relevant or make it authentic for folks?

Erin Moon [00:15:31]:
I think, you know, we I don't think it's possible to really divorce our faith from what's happening in the world around us. I think I understand the tendency to want to, to disengage with the world at large and because it is a situation right now. But and it always has been. But in the same way, I can't I can't fully understand the radical nature of Jesus' experience and conversation with the woman at the well without knowing the cultural context between Jews and Samaritans, like and what was happening at that time and how those two people groups were living together and why they hated each other. And so that it's a great it's a great story without knowing that. When you know the cultural context, it just ups the ante so much more. I mean, I think about the phrase American Christianity. Like, we you and I, immediately, when we hear that, we probably think of vastly different things, and that means a million things to a 1000000 people.

Erin Moon [00:16:29]:
It means a 1000000 things on depending on where you say it on the time line. It could have meant, you know, puritanical values. It could have meant temperance. It could have meant the Jesus move is from the sixties or the moral majority of the seventies. It it it means something completely different now, but we can't fully I don't think we can fully understand the nuances outside of the cultural context. I think about, you know, knowing where the people of Israel were in their national history as far as exile or powerful kingdom or who was you know, was this before the split or after the split? It informs the way you read some of that old testament. It helps you understand it. And the culture, what was happening around them, it played a role in the whole purpose of disseminating that information.

Erin Moon [00:17:14]:
That was it was response to how they were experiencing God within that culture. And I don't think that's the entire crux of how we read it. Just like we can't let culture around us be the only thing that transforms our faith. You know, but I I I do think it's it's important, and it's, you know, it's also fun to cast Zac Efron as Joseph. That's fun for me. I enjoyed that. As a High School Musical, fan, that's important to me.

Ryan Dunn [00:17:39]:
Yeah. Well, I mean, he can handle the hard parts in the songs. Right?

Erin Moon [00:17:43]:
Exactly. That's what I'm saying.

Ryan Dunn [00:17:44]:
I can't detach it from maybe the Technicolor dream campaign.

Erin Moon [00:17:48]:
Yes. Absolutely. And I frankly, I would I would see Zac Effron in that as well.

Ryan Dunn [00:17:52]:
I'm just wondering, like, what do the production meetings look like when you all are deciding this? Like, do they get really heated?

Erin Moon [00:17:58]:
Sometimes. Sometimes they do. Yeah. Absolutely. We all have very strong opinions about who should be playing who.

Ryan Dunn [00:18:04]:
But yeah. You do come into the podcast as you've mentioned, like, as the resident bible scholar. So there there there can be a mindset that you're entering into that space with this mindset of authority. Like you were there to disseminate information, but have there been some instances in which the, that process of podcasting and having those conversations has really kind of overturned something within your own mind?

Erin Moon [00:18:30]:
Well, I think about our Esther season. And, you know, Jamie, one of my cohosts, when we were doing the Esther season, she she was she's very attached to the book of Esther. She's like, it's the only one we have with a lady. Like, we've gotta protect it at all costs. And so as I was sharing, hey. There are some scholars who think this is essentially, kind of almost like a Hamilton sort of a vibe. Yes. It's based in history.

Erin Moon [00:18:59]:
It's historical fiction almost. That was enormously upsetting to her and kind of helping and walking her through, and by default, our listeners as well, to go, okay. Just because it's historical fiction doesn't mean there's not truth in it. It doesn't mean there's not value in it. It doesn't necessarily make it untrue. It's just not the historical document that you thought it was. And I think that that was a hard place for me to be, you know, before we did the Esther season because I was like, wait. If there are people who don't think that Adam was real, hold on.

Erin Moon [00:19:36]:
Hold on just a second. You know? What that and so wanting to understand that, seeing that different people think like,

Ryan Dunn [00:19:45]:
faithful people from different context think about things in

Erin Moon [00:19:45]:
a different way, and that doesn't necessarily think about things in a different way, and that doesn't necessarily mean that they're wrong or bad or heretical. It just means that they're coming at it from a different angle. And I think kind of learning to hold some of that to go and also being the resident bible scholar just it helped me be comfortable with being wrong, frankly, because there's no there's no way I think people want those that certainty, that answer about this is what it means. This is what the scripture means. This is why we have this one right here, but that's that's not I don't know that that exists. Maybe for 5 things in the bible, maybe, but I think the rest of it, you know, our our Jewish leaders, cousins, they they have such a they place such a value on asking questions that don't necessarily get answered, and we we don't do that. We do not I mean, there's that whole concept in Judaism about turning the gym of scripture, of looking at it from many different angles and seeing all the facets and being okay with the fact that there are many different facets to it, and that's something that really makes us uncomfortable.

Ryan Dunn [00:21:00]:
So that Ruth kind of upset your, your mindset in a way and and not being able to answer everything is and when we do kind of represent ourselves as pastoral presences in the in the public sphere. Sometimes there there can be a, well, a fear of being asked the the questions that, you know, we can't offer the answers to. With that in mind, is there a specific story in the bible or a character that you're afraid might come up in a season of, like, I don't Oh, I I don't feel comfortable with

Erin Moon [00:21:31]:
that one. I will never touch Revelation, not in a 1000000 years. There's no chance I will ever do that. It is so it's fraught with so much. I guess, I don't wanna say it's not bias really, but people already have made up their minds about what it is or it's like, specifically the back half. And so that is something that I I never wanna touch ever in my whole life.

Ryan Dunn [00:21:55]:
Well, tell me about what's going on in the back half that

Erin Moon [00:21:58]:
Well, there's just I mean, you know, is it is it a letter to the churches that talks about the Roman empire and how to stand against it and what's happening, or is it is it for the end times? Like, they're it's just too fraught for me personally. I, I don't, I don't care necessarily about whether I'm gonna be taken up in a cloud before or after. I don't that's that doesn't really have much bearing on my faith, and when you try to talk about revelation to other people, they have already decided how they feel about it or they're they're just, like, this is too complicated, and we've put there's just so much that has been placed on it that it it's almost it's rendered it's rendered meaningless in a way because people have put the pressure on it to be something that I don't know that it is. And, and listen, I'm I'm a fan of that that last chapter. It's a banger. He went all in on that, and I love it. But people want this okay. This is the antichrist and this is the mark of the beast and this is the whore of Babylon, and it's like, I don't I don't know that that I don't know that that's a thing, and I think that's hard.

Ryan Dunn [00:23:08]:
I was having end goal of faith that, sometimes we adopt this mindset of kind of like backing our way into heaven, just because we're trying to avoid, you know, this is a very kind of binary view of the afterlife, but you know, whether heaven or eternal conscious torment in hell, you know, like we want to avoid that as well. And so, yeah, like, oh, well then our alternative is just to kinda be in heaven. In the same way, we can kinda look at Revelation of being like, well, I wanna avoid being left behind. Exactly. Binary kind of way of looking at it. So with that comes the the question we'll start with this. When you were growing up, did you fear being left behind?

Erin Moon [00:23:52]:
Oh my gosh. Yes.

Ryan Dunn [00:23:53]:

Erin Moon [00:23:53]:
Listen. Well, really, let me just be honest with you, Ryan. I just really wanted to be able to have sex before Jesus came back. That's really what I was concerned about. So I did have a small note card next to my bed that was like, the rapture's happening today because there's that no one knows the time, and I was like, I'm a outsmart God and I'm a say every day is the day so he can't come. So, yes, I I mean, that was such a huge part. Like, I wish we'd all been ready. I mean, that DC Talks song, you know, on Jesus freak was transformative to me, and I was like, I have to I have to be ready at any point.

Erin Moon [00:24:32]:
What if I'm thinking about something bad? What if I'm being mean to someone? What if I'm what if I'm, you know, asking an inappropriate question or a question that someone deems heretical? Is that am I still gonna be able to go? And you put and that's that's putting so much of the focus on us and our behavior and none of it on the saving grace of Jesus Christ, but we tend to do that often.

Ryan Dunn [00:24:55]:
I do need to throw in a little caveat here that, you know, we're talking about some ideas around revelation. Like, the rapture is not specifically within revelation.

Erin Moon [00:25:04]:
And that's also like a like, you know, there's all of the ways that that whole eschatology was created by someone who fell off a horse and had a traumatic brain injury. So, you know, you you go learning about that. You're like, okay. Injury. So, you know, you you go learning about that, you're like, okay. Is this actually the thing? And am I am I seriously going to reconsider something that, obviously, a lot of really smart people agree upon, I mean, I think that is very terrifying.

Ryan Dunn [00:25:31]:
Mhmm. Yeah.

Ryan Dunn [00:25:33]:
Yeah. So for the the person who is kind of facing those questions and and feeling that fear, like, oh, is this gonna lead me away from my community? Is it gonna lead me away from my faith? Do you have some words of hope?

Erin Moon [00:25:47]:
Yeah. You know, I've I've I like, there's just such a tenderness in me for, for that, and, and I wanna be so gentle because I think pretending you don't have questions or fearing the answers to questions, it's not gonna bring you any kind of peace and or maybe it will bring you peace, but it's maybe a false sense. I think allegiance to a faith that you've not worked through or started to investigate is allegiance to a facade, to fluff. And I don't even mean you have to land in a different place than when you started, but is it yours? Because at the end of the day, this is your relationship with Jesus. This is your sitting in your own belovedness. What does that do to you? What does that do to your life? And how does that it's it's yours, and it's a partnership with you and holy spirit and a partnership with you and holy spirit, and that's not something that anyone else should be able you you shouldn't outsource that, I don't think. I I don't like saying shoulds and shouldn'ts, but it is, I think, so hard to take those first steps because it feels so scary, and you feel like you're wrong and you're you're bad and but those things are not true. We have scripture is full of people who asked questions.

Erin Moon [00:27:04]:
There's I mean, I would say that is the tradition of Christianity, but we forget that. We forget that, you know, the reformation let's take the reformation for example. Like, that was there was there were 95 essentially questions that started that, you know, and they were more statements, but in a in a sense, they were questions and

Ryan Dunn [00:27:25]:

Erin Moon [00:27:26]:
I think I think it just it feels so scary because we really, really, really love certainty, and it's exhausting to think about, do I have to if I pull this thread, is the whole sweater gonna come undone?

Ryan Dunn [00:27:38]:
Well, Erin, thank you. The book is I've Got Questions. It's coming out February 4th I think, of 2025. Cool. Where is a convenient spot for people who have questions about Erin Moon to find some information?

Erin Moon [00:27:54]:
Well, I I have a website, I'm on substack, or no. That's what it is. And I'm on Instagram at aaronhmoon. So if you are looking for me, it's probably Aaron h Moon.

Ryan Dunn [00:28:11]:
Cool. And I do wanna just lift up, like, the the lang it's a deep theological book, but the language is so accessible.

Erin Moon [00:28:18]:
Oh, thank you.

Ryan Dunn [00:28:18]:
The anecdotes are, you know, on point. Like, we all get it. So Thank you.

Erin Moon [00:28:22]:
That means a lot to me. I appreciate that.

Ryan Dunn [00:28:25]:
Cool. Well, Erin, thank you for spending this time with us and for answering questions.

Erin Moon [00:28:29]:
Yes, absolutely. Thank you for having me.

Ryan Dunn [00:28:31]:
Thanks for joining us for this episode of compass finding spirituality in the everyday. If you'd like to learn more about our conversation with Erin Moon or explore other episodes, visit slash compass, where you're gonna find episode notes and our full library of content. If you wanna check out another episode, episode 147 with Matthew Ian Fleming is a great follow-up on this episode since Matthew leads us into the modern relevance of revelation and all that kind of stuff. It's really good. Episode 137 is a really popular one that fits with this episode as well. That episode with Reverend Bruce Reyes Chau gets us talking about clarifying your own personal theological beliefs. This podcast is made possible by the talented team at United Methodist Communications. If you've enjoyed today's episode, please help others find us by subscribing to compass wherever you get your podcasts.

Ryan Dunn [00:29:35]:
And if you have a moment, leave a rating and review, which helps reach more people seeking to find spirituality in their everyday lives. Until next time, keep exploring your spiritual journey with curiosity and openness. Peace.

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