Youth Service Fund (YSF) is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism and social justice.
The Youth Service Fund is a unique ministry because it is run completely by, with and for youth. Youth contribute the money, they decide what projects receive the money, and the projects supported are youth-designed, youth-led, and youth benefited. Youth from everywhere may apply for funding. Applications are due by June 1 for funding to begin the following calendar year for successful projects. Project categories are: Faith Sharing and Outreach, Leadership Development, Scholarship, Ministry with At-Risk Youth, and Agricultural/Vocational.
Youth groups and annual conferences have many creative fundraisers throughout the year and the annual conferences award the YSF funds in their local conference. YSF provides a way for youth to be in REAL ministry with each other. An offering may be accepted in each local church on the first Sunday in May (or any Sunday your church designates as YSF Sunday).
Project categories are:
- Faith Sharing and Outreach
- Leadership Development
- Scholarship
- Ministry with At-Risk Youth
- Agricultural/Vocational