Get Them Talking: Transform

One way to allow God to transform us is to look to God for guidance in everything. Image designed in Canva for United Methodist Communications.
One way to allow God to transform us is to look to God for guidance in everything. Image designed in Canva for United Methodist Communications.

Get Them Talking is a series of resources to help families start conversations about issues of faith.


“Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature.” Romans 12:2, CEB


At the beginning of a new year, some promise themselves they will change. In the year ahead, you may want to read more and watch Netflix less. Or your family may decide to recycle better and use less water. For some, these resolutions help them make significant progress. Others struggle. Change can be difficult.

Our Bible reading encourages us to avoid old, easy patterns—how we’ve always done it before. Instead, we are to allow God to transform us. The shift is to look to God for guidance in everything. That way we will know what is good, pleasing and mature in our day-to-day living.

Get them talking

  • What would you like to do differently this year? How can family members help and support you?
  • What's one way we can try to transform together as a family?
  • If you looked to figure out God’s will in everything, how would things be different at school? At work? With friends? With other family members?


Dear God, help me to discover your good plan for each part of my life. Amen.


Work together to come up with a family goal for the new year. Maybe it’s a regular devotion time, more opportunities to play together, or to spend more time together. Or maybe it’s all of that!

Have an idea for a Get The Talking topic? Let us know. 
This devotional was first posted on January 2021.

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