Get Them Talking: Forgiveness

Share these tips to talk with your family about forgiveness. Image by Sara Schork, United Methodist Communications.
Share these tips to talk with your family about forgiveness. Image by Sara Schork, United Methodist Communications.

Get Them Talking is a series of monthly resources to help families lead devotion, dinnertime, or anytime conversations about issues of faith.

Scripture Reading

“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who has wronged us.” Luke 11:4, CEB


Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time the church sets aside each year to help us prepare for Easter. During Lent, we remember how God forgives us for all we do wrong, our sin. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus connects God’s forgiveness of us with our forgiveness of others. We are to forgive in the same way we have been forgiven.

Forgiveness is sometimes misunderstood. When we forgive another we are not saying it is okay that they hurt us. Instead, we are deciding to let go of the hurt. When we do, we allow God to heal us and make us feel better.

Get them talking

  • Share about a time when you were forgiven. How did you feel?
  • Tell about a time when you forgave someone. How did that make you feel?
  • Why do you think forgiveness is important?
  • Read and discuss the words to “Freely, Freely”:
    He said, Freely freely you have received. Freely freely give. 
    Go in My name and because you believe, others will know that I live

    (United Methodist Hymnal #389)


Dear God, thank you for forgiving me for what I’ve done wrong. Please give me the courage to forgive those who have hurt me. Amen.


Through the years, Christians have decided to “give something up for Lent,” as a reminder that they are forgiven. Discuss as a family some things you might give up during this season and commit as a family to help one another.

Is there a topic you would like us to include as a devotional? Let us know.
This devotional was first posted on March 5, 2019.

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