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Everyday Glory with Kaitlin Curtice: Compass Episode 10

For Kaitlin Curtice, taking out the trash can be a holy moment. Would you like to have that kind of mindfulness, too? Join her conversation with Pierce and Ryan.


Everyday Glory with Kaitlin Curtice: Episode 10

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Kaitlin Curtice is mother to two growing boys, and two furry children. She is a spouse, a Christian mystic, an enrolled citizen of the Potawatomi Citizen Band Nation, and a writer. We talked to Kaitlin specifically about her book, Glory Happening, which is a great look at finding spiritual moments in everyday activity. Check out Kaitlin’s web site: .

During the episode, Kaitlin mentioned some authors who provide her with spiritual vitality:

  • Richard Rohr: 
  • Robin Wall Kimmerer:
  • Barbara Brown Taylor:
  • Brennan Manning:
  • Richard Rohr produces a series of daily meditations through the Center for Action and Contemplation. You can sign up to receive them, too:

Catch up with us online:

  • Pierce Drake: - Twitter: @JPDII - Instagram: @JPDII
  • Ryan Dunn: - Twitter: @RyanIsDunn - Instagram: @strangedunn
  • Rethink Church: - Twitter: @umrethinkchurch - Instagram: @rethinkchurch - Facebook: @umcrethinkchurch

Episode posted July 11 2018

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