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Daily practices for social distancing

Social distancing guidelines and shelter-in-place orders limit our ability to draw close to one another in fellowship and community. We're doing our best to encourage relationships, even during this time of social distancing. Throughout this period, we will post helpful videos on our Rethink Church social media channels so we can stay connected and use this time to deepen our spiritual relationships. 

Be sure to follow Rethink Church on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest practices and to participate in live sessions.

Centering prayer for anxious times


Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) with Psalm 130


Finding Center in a Place of Worry with Kyle Sigmon


Power of Breath and Movement with Paul Gomez


Home Office PSA with Dr. Michelle Maldonado


Celtic Prayer of Healing


Finding the Helpers with Ian Carlos Urriola


Examen Questions with Ryan Dunn

Virtual Prayer Stations

During Holy Week, we presented a series of virtual prayer stations. Below is Monday's station. Find the whole series here.

Masks and Prayer with Amie Stewart

Fasting During a Pandemic

Reflections in Nature with Sophia Agtarap

Going: A Reflection

Balcony time and spiritual gifts

Earth Day Confession

As you love yourself... with Adam Baker

A Prayer for Healing of Creation

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