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Secrets of Our Spirituality: Compass Episode 11

What do you do when you don’t feel spiritual? Pierce and Ryan reveal their practices for staying inspired in faith—and offer a snapshot of Ryan’s garage and Pierce’s morning routine.

Secrets of Our Spirituality: Episode 011

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Co-hosts Pierce Drake and Ryan Dunn are both pastors. In this episode, they discussed the practices they utilize to reconnect spiritually--especially during the periods when they're feeling spiritually dry.

RYAN prefers contemplative practices. He’s actually started a video series through Check them out:

PIERCE utilizes reading scripture according to the “SOAP” method: 

  • S: Scripture. Read a piece of scripture.
  • O: Observation. What struck you or caught your attention as you read?
  • A: Application. What are you going to do with this?
  • P: Prayer.

If you’re wondering what episode of The Office Pierce references: It’s the hour-long premiere of season 5.

Find us on the webs! Rethink Church: Facebook: Twitter: @umrethinkchurch Instagram: Rethinkchurch

Pierce: jpdii on Twitter and Instagram

Ryan: RyanIsDunn on Twitter

Episode posted August 2018

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