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Ask The UMC: Church and Politics?

The people called Methodists have been actively involved in social and political matters from their founding in 18th century England. When it comes to the intersection of The United Methodist Church and politics, United Methodists have a variety of viewpoints. In this special video series titled "Ask The UMC: Church and Politics?," you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

Find more information on this important topic, visit Ask The UMC.

'Should The UMC be involved in politics?'

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The United Methodist Church regards political participation as the privilege and responsibility of citizens across the connection. Learn more by watching this video.

'How can I talk about political issues with others who disagree?'

Start with an attitude of compassion and curiosity when discussing politics with those with whom you may disagree. Find other helpful tips in this video.

'How can I faithfully respond to an issue that concerns me?'

Writing political representatives and teaming up with like-minded individuals are a couple of ways to effect change. Learn more by watching this video.

'Are we called to respect our elected leaders even if we disagree with them?'

United Methodists are called to pray for all elected officials, while also holding leaders accountable for just and unjust policies. Learn more by watching this video.

'Does The UMC have a lobbying office in Washington, D.C.?'

The General Board of Church and Society is dedicated to implementing the Social Principles. Learn more by watching this video.

'What about separation of church and state?

The Social Principles say, “Separation of church and state means no organic union of the two, but it does permit interaction.” Learn more by watching this video.

'What can I do if I disagree with an official position of The UMC?'

You may find that the denomination’s policies give you more ‘food for thought.’ The United Methodist Church doesn’t require or expect that everyone will agree. Learn more by watching this video.


These videos were produced by United Methodist Communications.
Contact is Joe Iovino.
These video were first posted in October 2020.


United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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