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An invitation: Devotions for Advent 2020

As we prepare for a different Christmas in 2020, we hear the call to move into a deeper relationship with God. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels.
As we prepare for a different Christmas in 2020, we hear the call to move into a deeper relationship with God. Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels.

For many of us, Christmas preparations are steeped in tradition. We put the tree in the same place we did last year. We follow baking recipes handed down from our grandmothers. We find those ornaments the kids made when they were in preschool. We go to the same parties, sing the same carols, and even have a favorite Christmas Eve service to attend. We like the routine of Christmas.

This year, however, things are different. Due to coronavirus restrictions, nothing feels routine.

The Church's season of Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, is an invitation to something new. We're waiting for Christ's birth. We're waiting for his return. We're waiting for the world to be transformed from brokenness to wholeness.

This Advent, hear the invitation to a new and deeper relationship with God, to the world yet to come, to the world as it should be.

You're invited!

Advent begins November 29, 2020 and continues through December 24, 2020.

In this season when so many are focused on what they want, the Bible reminds us that we aren't missing any spiritual gift. Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels.

All you need: 1st week of Advent

In this season when so many are focused on what they want, the Bible reminds us that we aren't missing any spiritual gift.
The prophet reminds us to make a way for the Lord to enter our lives today. Photo by Simon Migaj from Pexels.

Finding our way: 2nd week of Advent

A reflection on the prophets words, "Prepare the way for the Lord; make his paths straight."
In this season when so many are focused on what they want, the Bible reminds us that we aren't missing any spiritual gift. Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels.

Beyond wrapping paper: 3rd week of Advent

Sometimes it can be easy to mistake the wrapping paper for the gift. The greatest gift came in the simplest form.
United Methodists gather for a Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at St. Matthew UMC in Fort Worth, Texas. Photo by Angelia Sims of Angelia's Photography.

A surprising invitation: 4th week of Advent

When Gabriel tells Mary what God is asking her to do, she realizes God's invitation is broader than she previously imagined.

More Advent devotions, activities and information

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