World Service Special Gifts FAQ

Group of young people taking a selfie.
Group of young people taking a selfie.

What is a World Service Special Gift?
A World Service Special Gift is a designated financial contribution made by an individual, local church, organization, district or annual conference to a project authorized as such by the Connectional Table. Current World Service Special Gifts projects include the Africa University Endowment Fund, the Leonard Perryman Communications Scholarship for Ethnic Minority Students, the Methodist Global Education Fund, the National Anti-Gambling Project and the Lay Missionary Planting Network.

How does The United Methodist Church distribute World Service Special Gifts receipts?
Each month, annual conference treasurers remit World Service Special Gift donations to the General Council on Finance and Administration. The council remits such funds in full to the administering agencies.

Can I give a World Service Special Gift online?
You cannot give a World Service Special gift online. We hope to offer online giving to the apportioned funds in the future. However, you can remit money to your local church and designate it for a World Service Special Gift.

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