United Methodists stand with those affected by “globalization, dislocation, economic scarcity, persecution, climate change, and other reasons” (The United Methodist Book of Resolutions 2020/2024, 4271). But we do more than stand with these individuals, we serve them and advocate for them.
Our Social Principles: Migrants, Immigrants, and Refugees
"We affirm the dignity, worth, and rights of migrants, immigrants, and refugees, including displaced and stateless people. In so doing, we acknowledge that the world today is facing an unprecedented crisis related to the displacement of vast numbers of people due to such factors as ongoing wars and other hostilities, foreign interventions, widespread famine and hunger, global warming and climate change, and the failure of nation-states to adequately protect and care for their people.
"We recognize that displaced people are particularly vulnerable as their in-between status often provides them with few protections and benefits, leaving them open to exploitation, violence, and abuse. We urge United Methodists to welcome migrants, refugees, and immigrants into their congregations and to commit themselves to providing concrete support, including help with navigating restrictive and often lengthy immigration policies, and assistance with securing food, housing, education, employment, and other kinds of support.
"We oppose all laws and policies that attempt to criminalize, dehumanize, or punish displaced individuals and families based on their status as migrants, immigrants, or refugees. Additionally, we decry attempts to detain displaced people and hold them in inhumane and unsanitary conditions. We challenge policies that call for the separation of families, especially parents and minor children, and we oppose the existence of for-profit detention centers for such purposes."
- The United Methodist Book of Discipline 2024/2024, ¶ 163
Ways United Methodists can take action in the U.S.
The Book of Resolutions states in its “Welcoming the Migrant to the U.S.” section (4271), “To refuse to welcome migrants to this country—and to stand by in silence while families are separated, individual freedoms are ignored, and the migrant community in the United States is demonized by members of Congress and the media—is complicity to sin…
“The United Methodist Church affirms the worth, dignity, and inherent value and rights of all persons regardless of their nationality or legal status. United Methodist churches throughout the United States are urged to build bridges with migrants in their local communities, to learn from them, celebrate their presence in the United States and recognize and appreciate the contributions in all areas of life that migrants bring.”
What follows are action items; here are some excerpts:
- Advocate for legislation that will uphold the civil and human rights of all migrants in the U.S.
- Begin English classes as part of a ministry to migrant communities
- Denounce and oppose the rise of xenophobic, racist and violent reactions against migrants
- Welcome newly arriving immigrants into our congregations
- Oppose the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico
- Call the U.S. government to immediately cease all arrests, detainment and deportations
- Provide pastoral care and crisis intervention to refugees and newly arrived migrants
- Work with civic and legal organizations to support migrant communities
- Support churches that prayerfully choose to offer sanctuary to undocumented migrants
- Continue the work of the United Methodist Task Force on Immigration
Ways our connection can engage in global migration ministries
United Methodists assist migrants and immigrants around the world. The Book of Resolutions also has this to say in its “Global Migration and the Quest for Justice” section (4273), “Global migration as a factor in the quest for justice is a major priority of The United Methodist Church as a denomination that is global in its vision, mission, and ministries…
“Christians do not approach the issue of migration from the perspective of tribe or nation, but from within a faith community of love and welcome, a community that teaches and expects hospitality to the poor, the homeless, and the oppressed…
“United Methodists should harbor no doubt about their responsibility to all those who live here on the earth, especially the poor, the homeless, and the mistreated. John Wesley’s concern for the poor and outcast was constant and extended far beyond acts of charity. He worked for just systems in which persons could with dignity stand on their own feet.”
What follows are commitments to assistance; here are some excerpts:
- Provide support and opportunities for refugees, asylees, and migrants, including annual conference and local church ministries
- Engage in strong, coordinated advocacy on migration issues
- Work with global mission partners to provide direct services that help persons and families live safely in their country of origin
- Educate church members and communities on the causes and realities of migration
- Build bridges between diverse races, ethnicities, religions and cultures
- Strengthen migrant congregations and/or integrate them into existing congregations
- Help communities alleviate social conditions caused by harsh immigration laws
- Recognize the right of sanctuary in any local UMC
Our latest resolution
The 2020/2024 General Conference adopted the resolution, “Concerning Immigration” (4275). Read it in its entirety here:
The purpose of the Book of Resolutions
The Book of Resolutions, 2020/2024... collects in one volume all current and official social policies and other resolutions adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. These resolutions are:
- Official policy statements for guiding all the work and ministry of The United Methodist Church on approximately 200 subjects;
- Educational resources for The United Methodist Church on important issues affecting the lives of people and all God's creation;
- Guides and models for helping United Methodist members and groups relate a lively biblical faith to action in daily life;
- Resource materials for persons preparing public statements about United Methodist concerns on current social issues…
You may find that your denomination's policies give you more "food for thought." Maybe you will agree with the denomination's position. On the other hand, you may disagree...
Furthermore, you may look to some of the statements in this book for spiritual guidance as you make an important decision in your life about work, home, family life, or use of money and other resources.
— from "User's Guide" provided in the Book of Resolutions, 2020/2024
WHEREAS, the Scriptures proclaim that “The Lord your God … loves the strangers, providing them with food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:17–19 NRSV) and Jesus taught his disciples that when they took care of “the least of these,” including welcoming strangers, they were welcoming him (Matthew 25:31–40);
WHEREAS, the United Methodist Social Principles state, “The mistreatment or torture, and other cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment or punishment of persons by governments for any purpose violates Christian teaching and must be condemned and/or opposed by Christians and churches wherever and whenever it occurs,” The Book of Discipline, 2016, ¶ 164A, p. 138;
WHEREAS, the United Methodist Social Principles also state, “We commit ourselves as a Church to the achievement of a world community that is a fellowship of persons who honestly love one another. We pledge ourselves to seek the meaning of the gospel in all issues that divide people and threaten the growth of world community,” The Book of Discipline, 2016, ¶ 165, p. 143;
WHEREAS, the United Methodist Social Principles also state, “We reaffirm our historic concern for the world as our parish and seek for all persons and peoples full and equal membership in a truly world community,” The Book of Discipline, 2016, ¶ 165D, p. 144;
WHEREAS, the United Methodist Social Principles also state, “We recognize, embrace, and affirm all persons, regardless of country of origin, as members of the family of God…. We urge the Church and society to recognize the gifts, contributions, and struggles of those who are immigrants and to advocate for justice for all. We oppose the immigration policies that separate family members from each other or that include detention of families with children, and we call on local churches to be in ministry with immigrant families.” The Book of Discipline, 2016, ¶ 162H, pp. 122–123;
WHEREAS, Justice for Our Neighbors is a nationwide United Methodist organization offering legal assistance to immigrants in the United States. As Arizona Justice for Our Neighbors, in the Desert Southwest Conference, we welcome our immigrant brothers and sisters as fellow children of God, and neighbors in our conference; and
WHEREAS, Arizona Justice for Our Neighbors opposes the incarceration of incoming migrants. We believe all of God’s children, regardless of national origin are entitled to due process rights, including the ability to post bond, the opportunity to seek council, and await the resolution/determination of their case out of detention;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Conference of The United Methodist Church request the General Board of Church and Society contact the appropriate United States governmental agencies, and demand the following:
All children who have been separated from their families in the United States be reunited with their families as soon as possible;
United States government agencies cease detaining individuals and families seeking asylum, and that those currently detained and those seeking to enter the United States as asylees be provided with due process as soon as possible;
The facilities where immigrants are being detained be open for inspection, with a priority on those where immigrants are holding hunger protests; and
Legislation for comprehensive immigration reform, that reflects the principles and priorities noted above, be passed as soon as possible.
Laura Buchanan works for UMC.org at United Methodist Communications. Contact her by email.
This story was published on January 27, 2025.