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United Methodist Beliefs: Social Holiness

Do you have questions about the meaning of some of the terms and teachings of The United Methodist Church? In this series, we ask clergy to share their understanding of topics. No preaching, just conversation. In this episode we discuss United Methodist social holiness with the Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe with the Board of Church and Society.

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Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, Board of Church and Society: “Social holiness is unique to Methodism. United Methodists have a long commitment to social holiness. It is in our DNA. It is part of who we are. Wesley has said, ‘There is no religion that is not social, no holiness that is not social.’ Wesley goes on to say that without social holiness, we cannot exist. It is because of God’s love for us and Christ’s love that we reach out into the world to walk with others and to accompany them in their journeys. Because social holiness is unique to us, it means that we must be in this together. We live our lives together and we live our lives with all of God’s creation. We walk with one another. We walk with those who are poor those who are vulnerable, those who live on the margins of life. It is a gift that God has given us and we have claimed as Methodists who are committed to social holiness; that we would be with one another in this journey as we live our lives together.”

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View entire series Reflections on our Faith

This video was produced by United Methodist Communications in Nashville, TN.
Media contact is Joe Iovino.

This video was first posted on September 7, 2017.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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