When we become professing members of a United Methodist congregation, we profess our faith in God, our desire to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and our commitment to join with our church community to keep the vows of our Baptismal Covenant.
Download a copy of your United Methodist vows to remind you of your faith journey.
One of those vows is to faithfully participate in the life and ministries of our local congregation through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. But, how can we go beyond the words we profess to actually living into these vows?
In this special five-part series, we'll look at each aspect of this membership vow and how United Methodists can answer the call to serve Christ through the local church.
A promise to pray
United Methodists pledge to participate in a local congregation through their prayers, but building a solid prayer life can be a struggle for some.
The blessings of presence
“So much of discipleship is showing up.” The United Methodist pledge to be present goes beyond Sunday morning.
Share your gifts
While most people may associate gifts with money, sharing your spiritual gifts is also an important aspect of participating in the local church.
Serving God and others
Ministering to the needs of others is a hallmark of United Methodism. Service work provides the opportunity for fellowship and faithfulness.
What it means to witness
There are many ways to share the good news. "When you make yourself approachable ... people will ask about faith." Series continues about the meaning of our membership vows.