Get Them Talking: Connected

The Bible tells us to build each other up. (Thessalonians 5:11) We thank God for the people in our lives, both nearby and at a distance, who encourage us. Photo from Casa Linda United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2018, courtesy of United Methodist Communications with Canva design.
The Bible tells us to build each other up. (Thessalonians 5:11) We thank God for the people in our lives, both nearby and at a distance, who encourage us. Photo from Casa Linda United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2018, courtesy of United Methodist Communications with Canva design.

Get Them Talking is a series of resources to help families start conversations about issues of faith.


“So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11, CEB


All of our devices—tablets, phones, gaming systems, computers—need good connections to work best. Sometimes those connections are wired, and we can see the connection. Other times the connections are invisible—WiFi, Bluetooth and more. When the connections fail, the device simply doesn't function well.

The Bible tells us it is best when people have good connections too. We all need people in our lives who encourage us and build us up. Some of those connections are obvious and visible, like our family members. Others may be a bit harder to see, like our connections to those who live far away, but they are just as important.

As we have benefited from the encouragement of others, we should be people who build others up.

Get them talking

  • What’s the worst part of losing electricity during a storm or other outage?
  • One of your connections may be a best friend. Why is that person your best friend, your closest connection?
  • Is there someone who you don't see often (maybe they live far away) who you feel connected to?
  • The Bible tells us to encourage each other and build each other up. Who does that for you?
  • Who can you encourage and build up?


Dear God, thank you for connecting me to people who build me up. Amen.


Do a family encouragement circle. Have each person take a turn being quiet while the others each say one thing they appreciate about her/him.

Have an idea for a Get The Talking topic? Let us know. 
This devotional was first posted on April 2021.

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