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The Trick to Measuring Up with Benjamin Sledge: Compass Episode 19

“I feel like a cowering moron half the time…” Our guest, Benjamin Sledge, shares sentiments many of us relate to. As Ben shares his story in this episode, we see how naming our shame gives us power to move past it.

The Trick to Measuring Up with Benjamin Sledge: Episode 019

Listen to the episode: iTunes | Google Play | Stitcher | Blubrry 

Show Notes:

Benjamin Sledge is a viral writer, graphic designer, author, and communicator. His artwork and writing have been featured in  NYT Best-Selling books as well as seen in numerous publication across the web. He frequently travels around the country educating businesses, non-profits, and churches about mental health. Ben served in the US Army, and saw combat action in Iraq. His return to civilian life is a powerful part of his story.

Some of the authors/theologians Ben recommends:

  • Augustine
  • Marcus Aurelius
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer

When asked how Ben attends to his mental health today, he recommended the following steps:

  • Seek out friends who will love you.
  • Disconnect and spend time in nature.
  • Talk about things.
  • Counseling.
  • Pay attention to the 12 Steps.

Some of Ben's viral blogs:

Episode posted April 29, 2019.

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