A Service for Disposal of Old Bibles or Devotional Books

God is the giver of good gifts and the things we use in our life of worship, prayer, study and service.  These objects become bearers to us of God’s word. When worn or no longer useful, they should be disposed of with appropriate ritual action.

This service may be used and led by any Christian in disposing of a Bible or devotional book that is so worn as to be not useable.  This service may be use by one person, but a family or gathering of Christian friends is recommended.

In light of God’s call to be good stewards, Bibles that may still be of worthy use should be given to persons or communities who have need of them.

This service should be conducted in a space where a fire may be safely lighted. The fire should be hot enough and of such size that it will consume all of the pages of the Bible or devotional book.

Pastors may want to plan a congregational or community service (perhaps, ecumenical in its planning and leadership) and invite persons to bring worn-out Bibles or devotional and prayer books for disposal.

A fire may be lighted prior to the start of this time of worship and prayer. Burial of Bibles in an appropriate place may be used as an alternative to burning.


Our help is in the name of the Lord
the maker of heaven and earth.
Your word is a lamp to our feet,
and a light to our path.


See UMH, hymns and prayers from 594-603 or hymns listed under Prayer for Illumination on page 951.


Blessed Lord, you have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. 
Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, and inwardly digest them,
that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life,
which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.                         
(Book of Common Prayer)

[SCRIPTURE READING (from a Bible to be disposed of)]

Psalm 119:89-96
Psalm 119:105-112
2 Timothy 3:10- 17
Hebrews 4:12-13
James 1: 19-27
Matthew 4: 1-11


For Bibles

Holy God, we do not live by bread alone.
Your word in the Holy Scriptures nourishes our spirits
and guides us in loving you and our neighbor.

Thank you for this Bible and for the joy and strength
that you have given in its use.
With thanksgiving we give back to you these sacred pages.


For Prayer of Devotional Books 

Lord Jesus, you invite your disciples to be with you in prayer.

We thank you for this treasury of the church’s devotion and worship.

With this book you have searched us,
turned our hearts toward you,
awakened us to the way of love,
prompted us to obey of the Spirit,
and transformed our affections.

We return these pages to the earth
with thanksgiving for what you have done for us through them.  



Here the Bible or prayer book is place in the fire. For more complete burning, smaller portions of the book may need to be placed in the fire. As an alternative, the Bible or prayer book may be buried.

A time of silence and reflection may be observed.


Congregations may reproduce this resource for local use provided they include the following copyright notice: Copyright © 1999 The General Board of Discipleship. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

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